For the Faculty Award Banquet this year, we are honoring Ms. Claudrena Harold! We hope you are as excited as we are to celebrate her great work and achievements on Grounds and beyond!

Ms. Claudrena Harold is an admirable woman who has committed herself tirelessly to the University while serving as a faculty member of the Corcoran Department of History and as an I.M.Portant ally to countless students in their academic, extra-curricular, and personal endeavors. Ms. Harold has sought to I.M.Part meaningful and creative solutions to the complex and challenging problems within The University. Most I.M.Portantly, Professor Harold’s undying passion toward the preservation, uplifting, and advancement of the minority community has empowered her students to voice their opinions and concerns. She has challenged her students to become informed and conscious leaders within our society, and to critically examine the student experience. Ms. Harold has cultivated incredibly meaningful relationships with her students, readily offering mentorship and invaluable guidance. Most I.M.Pressively, Ms. Harold has demonstrated remarkable strength of character and a fierce loyalty to the values that underpin our community. In her time at the University, Ms. Claudrena Harold has I.M.Printed our community with the ideals of self-sacrifice, I.M.Passionately modeled the values we so cherish, and I.M.Pishly dedicated herself to the full spectrum of life on these Grounds. Her devotion to cultivating the growth of others will carry our dearly beloved University forward. We, the Society of the I.M.P. are delighted to designate Ms. Claudrena Harold as the 2014 I.M.P. Faculty Award Winner.