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Items for Review

CD Funding Request for Review

The managing board of The Cavalier Daily recently reported to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association that the newspaper is in critical financial condition. The paper’s student leadership reports that they will be unable to pay their bills by the end of the summer without immediate financial support. As a result, the managing board has requested $15,000 from the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association to support the paper’s expenses for the summer and beginning of the fall—so that it may tailor the paper’s operations for a sustainable future.

The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association has the means to support this proposal; however, what’s being asked is significant and comes on the heels of its recent financial support of other endeavors, such as the hiring of a professional advertising manager for the paper.

All Cavalier Daily alumni are asked to review materials submitted by the managing board to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association concerning this situation—a brief open letter discussing the current crisis and a detailed proposal with relevant financial information. The proposal identifies the factors that contributed to the crisis, discusses short- and long-term options and presents some possible consequences of nonpayment of the paper’s outstanding bills.

After reading and considering, Cavalier Daily alumni are asked to submit their questions and comments—including whether they would support a “yea” or “nay” vote on this proposal—via Survey Monkey.  The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association also welcomes comments and suggestions about its role in supporting the future of The Cavalier Daily.

Though the final decision rests with the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association board—which will convene in the coming weeks to formally consider this proposal—the board wishes to open this matter for public debate and consideration.