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Alumni Contributions, Request for Help


This week, University of Virginia alumni received a terrific email from Alumni Hall. April 12 is officially GivingtoHoosDay, a national fundraising event designed to help U.Va. prepare for its third century of education and support.

As part of the announcement, there is a new video that highlights much of the great work being done at Mr. Jefferson’s University, including at The Cavalier Daily. You can see that video here –

This GivingtoHoosDay, we ask that you give to support The Cavalier Daily and the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association. The CDAA ensures that independent student journalism continues to thrive on Grounds. From transitioning to a digital platform to taking the necessary steps to succeed financially and journalistically for many years to come, the CDAA is committed to providing long-term support to The CD. And it needs your help to build on our 125 years of achievement.

In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information on GivingtoHoosDay and the potential impact you can have on the future of The CD. Watch this space for more info.

And let’s go, Hoos! A win over Iowa State tomorrow night means a trip to the Elite Eight.