We have heard from many of you how the Cav Daily shaped your time at U.Va. — how the skills you learned in the offices impacted your career, how the friends you made are still your best and in some cases, how you met your spouse there. We have loved the opportunity to hear and share these stories.
As we look ahead to 2017, we again need your help to ensure The Cavalier Daily continues the work we have all been proud of and to which we all have contributed. Through your generous past support, we have helped the CD overcome some of the very real financial challenges it has faced. Today, we need your help to ensure some of the nation’s best student journalism continues and grows to meet our ever-changing society.
Seven former CD Sports Editors at the 2015 football game against Duke, Nov. 21. Back row, left to right, Larry Appel, Allen Irish, Mike Shapiro, Bill Rittenberg. Front row, Kip Coons, Mark Brown, Larry Cohen. They were sports editors from 1974-1982. Appel (editor in chief) and Shapiro (business manager) would serve on the managing board in 1982-83 after their tenure as sports editors. Photo from Kip Coons.
2008 CD Reunion, Christine Kohan Garsson, Bob Garsson, and Marjorie Leedy Green. Chris (managing editor) and Bob (executive editor) served on the 1975-76 managing board. They celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in June 2016. Marjorie was the first female editor-in-chief in 1976-77. Photo from Kip Coons.
Nov. 14, 2009 reunion, football game vs. Boston College. Photo from Kip Coons.
Steve Wells, former editor-in-chief (1972-73) and the driving force behind the CD reunions, leads a Q&A session during the 2010 symposium. Photo from Kip Coons.
Photo by Darlene Wood.
2010 reunion, former editor-in-chief Tim Wheeler (1973-74) critiques articles submitted by CD staffers at an editing symposium prior to the day’s festivities. Photo from Kip Coons.
Darlene (former assistant features editor) and Jim Wood (Commerce ’74). Photo from Darlene Wood.
James Wood, Commerce ’74. Photo from Darlene Wood.
Jim Robertson, former features editor, and James Wood, Commerce ’74. Photo from Darlene Wood.
Steve Wells, editor-in-chief ’72-’73. Photo from Darlene Wood.
Tim Wheeler, editor-in-chief, ’73-’74. Photo from Darlene Wood.