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Introducing Mike Reingold, new Cavalier Daily Editor-in-Chief

Mike Reingold

Newly elected Cavalier Daily Editor-in-Chief Mike Reingold is no stranger to the long hours and hard work that student journalism entails.

Reingold’s journalistic career began years ago at The Purple Tide, the student paper of Chantilly High School. There, he served as Assistant Academics Editor, editing articles for the Tide’s Academic section and occasionally lending a hand with layout work. It was this foundation that he built upon when he joined the Cav Daily – a place where he felt that he could not only lend a hand with his solid editing skills, but also “meet people who had similar interests.”

Reingold’s focus on editing work at the Cav Daily has given him a unique perspective on the paper’s inner workings. He highlighted two specific projects that stood out to him: a demographics report “which helped the newspaper understand… areas in which we need to improve upon in the coming years,” and a polling initiative around Grounds, which aided the paper particularly in producing stories related to the 2016 presidential election.

Ready to hit the ground running, Reingold already has goals in mind for his term as Editor-in-Chief, which began January 20, 2017.

“Firstly, one of the major things I like to accomplish is to redesign the website and make it more digitally friendly for our content and to maximize digital revenue potential,” Reingold said. “I also would like to market The Cavalier Daily better and recruit a diverse range of talent to expand what The Cavalier Daily can do as one of the largest organizations on Grounds.”

In addition to these specific goals, Reingold says that he is looking forward to “all of the ideas and energy the new Managing Board, Junior Board, and staffers will bring to The Cavalier Daily, and seeing how each member of the paper grows.”

This sense of community is of particular importance to Reingold, who says that the variety of personalities in the office makes it a “great place to come to at the end of a long school day.” Though he says that the paper has “taken a lot of nights away from me – and many more to come,” he wouldn’t change anything.

“I can’t imagine going to U.Va. without being on the newspaper,” Reingold says. “I’m not sure how I would have gotten through some years at U.Va. without The Cavalier Daily.”