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CD Editor Sees Great Things Ahead

The following is a note from Cavalier Daily editor-in-chief Tim Dodson:

Dear alumni and friends,

As we prepare to start the 2018-19 school year, I want to thank you for your continued support of student journalism at The Cavalier Daily and preview some of what’s coming up this fall.

We are redesigning the CD website’s homepage and hope to launch by early September. The redesign will give us an opportunity to highlight breaking stories, feature our social media feeds, and provide new space for advertisers. This is not a complete overhaul of the website. We are refining last year’s redesign, and we welcome your feedback once the new homepage is launched.

We also are focusing on growing subscriber bases for our email newsletters. This past spring, we launched three newsletters focused on our Sports, Opinion, and Arts & Entertainment sections. In addition to our daily email newsletters, these specific newsletters offer a new way to curate our content for readers and present another opportunity to bring in advertising revenue.

On the staff side, we have our annual fall recruitment period coming up and soon will welcome new members onto the CD. I will work with other editors to connect with diverse communities across Grounds, and I look forward to building a staff that’s representative of the University student body. This will help us fully report on the student experience.

And, as always, we will continue to focus on providing quality reporting for the University community. Earlier this month, I was in Charlottesville with our news team as it covered the one-year anniversary of last summer’s violent white supremacist rallies. Our reporters were following large protests at UVA and throughout Charlottesville, attending press conferences with public safety officials and reporting on community gatherings and interfaith events. We had two reporters monitoring events in Washington, D.C., where a “Unite the Right 2” rally was scheduled. As we head into the fall, we’ll follow how these events have changed the University and Charlottesville communities.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts you may be able to provide about The Cavalier Daily. We are collecting feedback from CD alumni through this Google Form, which covers topics ranging from our platforms and content to how we can be more relevant to you as a member of our alumni community. The form should take less than five minutes to complete and will be open through Sept. 15. It can be completed anonymously (although we provide an opportunity to leave contact information, if you choose).

Once again, thank you for your support. I look forward to continuing our work together this coming semester. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, suggestions, or comments.

Tim Dodson