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Category: Request for Help

Support #GivingtoHoosDay by supporting CDAA

Today, the University of Virginia Alumni Association continued its promotion of #GivingtoHoos Day, celebrated on April 12, by highlighting to Cavalier Daily Alumni Association and the important work it does. You can see the message below. To ensure The Cavalier Daily has the financial resources it needs to continue its important work, members of the […]

Alumni Contributions, Request for Help


This week, University of Virginia alumni received a terrific email from Alumni Hall. April 12 is officially GivingtoHoosDay, a national fundraising event designed to help U.Va. prepare for its third century of education and support. As part of the announcement, there is a new video that highlights much of the great work being done at […]

Alumni Contributions, Request for Help

Update on Cav Daily Pledge Drive

When we first wrote last week, we faced a critical deadline to prove that The Cavalier Daily could retire its past-due rent. The swift and significant response from alumni and the wider University community has allowed us to meet that deadline. In less than 48 hours, we had in hand pledges to dissolve the Cav […]

Request for Help

Pledge to Support The Cavalier Daily

The Cavalier Daily’s financial situation has reached a critical point, and its survival may depend on your support. We write to explain the situation and to ask that you do all you can, as soon as you can, to help. Pledge $100 for student journalism As advertising revenues declined over the past several years, the […]

Request for Help