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Emergency Funding for CD Approved

Emergency Funding for CD Approved

Earlier tonight, the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association board voted unanimously to provide $15,000 in emergency aid to The Cavalier Daily to help stabilize newspaper’s precarious financial situation. “We are all very lucky to have had the benefit of The Cavalier Daily during our time on Grounds,” says Thomas Madrecki, CDAA president. “Whether you graduated three decades ago […]

CDAA Votes

Final Funding Proposal on Docket

After considering The Cavalier Daily managing board’s recent request for emergency funding, Cavalier Daily Alumni Association board members have drafted a proposal outlining potential support and accompanying stipulations. Read the proposal (PDF) The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association board will vote on this proposal on Monday, June 23, 2014. Results of the vote, including any commentary, will be posted […]

Items for Review

CD Funding Request for Review

The managing board of The Cavalier Daily recently reported to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association that the newspaper is in critical financial condition. The paper’s student leadership reports that they will be unable to pay their bills by the end of the summer without immediate financial support. As a result, the managing board has requested […]

Items for Review

Meet the 125th Managing Board

Editor-in-Chief: Rebecca Lim Executive Editor: Katherine Ripley Managing Editor: Andrew Elliott Chief Financial Officer: Peter Simonsen Operations Manager: Lianne Provenzano Produced by Drew Precious, second-year student and Cavalier Daily video editor.  


Alum Pens Novel About U.Va. in ’50s

  Howard Bryan Bonham (Col. ’52; associate editor) recently published Wah-Hoo-Wah! under the pen name Colt Kincaid. The novel takes place on the Grounds of the University of Virginia in the 1950’s and imagines the commotion stirred up among students and faculty when founder Thomas Jefferson miraculously returns to take over as headmaster. The book is available at […]


Crowdfunding New Distribution Boxes

It will not surprise you to know that many of the conversations we have in the office are not entirely serious. If they had been, we would have written a lot more articles about dining hall conspiracies, dating culture and squirrels. One day last semester, though, one of the crazy ideas we hit upon stuck […]

Student Contributions