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Tag: news

May: News from the Newsroom

By Tim Dodson, CD Managing Editor May is a month of transition for The Cavalier Daily as we finish the last few print issues of the semester and prepare to enter summer production.  As the school year came to an end we were reporting on — and are continuing to follow — two major proposals […]

Student Contributions

April: News from the Newsroom

By Tim Dodson, CD Managing Editor April is a busy month in The Cavalier Daily‘s newsroom! We’ve published three special issues so far this month — faculty salaries, a food issue, and Founder’s Day — and we have a sustainability issue hitting distribution boxes next week. I am particularly proud of an analysis we published […]

Student Contributions

Meet Courtney Stith, Cavalier Daily Video Editor

Courtney Stith only was involved with her high school newspaper in New Jersey for one year. A dedicated athlete, Stith became the paper’s sports editor. Together, she and a co-editor ran the entire section, creating all of the content alone. “I hated it,” she laughs. “Looking back, I’m surprised that I ever wanted to join […]

Student Contributions