Dear Cavalier Daily alumni,
As we head into a new year, we are excited to introduce you to The Cavalier Daily’s next editor-in-chief, Jenn Brice.
Last month, The Cavalier Daily staff elected Jenn to serve as their top editor for the paper’s 132nd term.
Jenn is a third-year English major who served as managing editor for The Cavalier Daily’s 131st term. She initially joined the paper’s staff as a first-year, beginning as a news writer and copy editor. Before she was elected managing editor, Jenn was a news editor for the 130th term.
As editor-in-chief, Jenn will continue the work of building an informed and critically engaged community throughout the University and Charlottesville area. She’s looking to enhance the paper’s digital strategy by developing an online presence that is accessible and informative in the age of social media. While doing so, Jenn hopes to create the most valuable and educational experience possible for The Cavalier Daily’s student journalists, as they work hard to report the truth and tell inclusive stories during another challenging academic year.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for the CD’s staff like figuring out how to remotely collaborate and publish, but the paper’s core public service mission is unwavering in these unprecedented times.
The CDAA looks forward to supporting Jenn and her team as they continue to cover the coronavirus’s impacts on the University while training the next generation of student journalists.
We can’t do this without your help. Your donation to the CDAA will support continued collaboration between our alumni and the student staff on initiatives that will help the CD meet its operating expenses, experiment with new forms of digital media, provide staff training, and ensure the next term’s editorial team has the resources it needs to hit the ground running.
You’ll be hearing directly from Jenn in the coming weeks as classes resume and she begins her term as editor-in-chief. In the meantime, we appreciate your commitment to the CD and the vital service it provides to the UVA community.
Matt Cameron
President, Cavalier Daily Alumni Association
Nik Popli
Editor-in-Chief, The Cavalier Daily