The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association Bylaws
(As amended August 26, 2023, by the board of directors of The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association.)
I. Association Membership
1. Full association membership (voting) shall be open to any former staff member of The Cavalier Daily or College Topics who requests that his/her name be placed on the association membership roll. Associate membership (nonvoting) shall be open to any current staff member of The Cavalier Daily. Membership also may be extended to friends of The Cavalier Daily by action of the association board of directors.
2.To be eligible to cast a vote at an association meeting, a prospective member shall be required to have registered his or her name on the association membership roll at least 72 hours prior to that meeting.
3. The executive director shall be responsible for maintaining the association membership roll.
II. Meetings
1.The board of directors shall hold an annual meeting, the time and place to be determined by the executive committee, but generally to be scheduled for the last Saturday in April.
2. Whenever it may be deemed necessary, the executive committee may call a special meeting of the board of directors at the request of the president, a member of the board of directors or a petition containing the signatures of at least 15 percent of the association membership.
3. Except in cases of emergency, at least three day’s notice shall be given of an association meeting.
III. Parliamentary Proceedings
1. Proceedings of board of directors’ meetings shall be as prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order except where those rules are inconsistent with the association constitution and bylaws.
IV. Committees
1. Three standing committees (outreach and programming, scholarship, and fundraising) shall serve to implement initiatives of the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association.
2. The outreach and programming committee shall organize initiatives, events, and/or projects for the benefit of the members of the association and staffers of The Cavalier Daily; the scholarship committee shall coordinate professional opportunities and distribute funds to support the development of staffers of The Cavalier Daily; the fundraising committee shall be charged with strategizing and raising funds for the association.
3. All members of the Board of Directors shall be a member of a standing committee for a one-year term, as appointed by the president. The outreach and programming committee shall be co-chaired by the vice president of outreach and the programming chair. The scholarship committee shall be co-chaired by the secretary and a scholarship chair selected from members of the committee for a one-year term. The fundraising committee shall be co-chaired by the vice president of fundraising and the treasurer. The president and executive director shall be ex officio members of each standing committee.
4. Each standing committee shall have at least one primary directive to carry out at any point during the one-year term, as determined by the Executive Committee
5. Each standing committee shall meet at least twice a year. Committees may meet more frequently if necessary to carry out their annual directive.
6. The Board of Directors also may establish special committees for specific assignments.
V. Fund Raising
1. As provided for in an agreement with the Alumni Association of the University of Virginia, The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association shall conduct its fund raising activities under the auspices of the University Alumni Association. Contributions solicited by The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association shall be made to the University of Virginia Fund and credited to The Cavalier Daily Account therein.
2. Any disbursements from any account designated to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association shall require the approval of the executive committee. Only the president or the treasurer shall be authorized – with the approval of the executive committee – to direct the University Alumni Association to make a disbursement from any account designated to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association.
VI. Amendment of Bylaws
1. A vote of 2/3 of the board of directors present and voting shall be required to amend the bylaws.