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CDAA/VPA Internship

2013 Community Journalism Internship Information

Co-sponsored by the CDAA and the Virginia Press Association

Internship Details:

The intern will be placed with a Virginia Press Association member publication. The intern will work 10 weeks during the Summer of 2013 and will be paid by the CDAA through the publication at a salary of $400 per week. The applicant will be responsible for providing his/her own transportation and housing. Some host publications may provide assistance with a housing search.

The Application Process is now complete.  Thank you to all that applied.


To Apply:

» A cover letter stipulating that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements listed below and, if accepted, agrees to fulfill the obligations of the internship.

» An essay no longer than 500 words on why the applicant wants to work in the newspaper industry, and how this internship will help advance his/her career plans.

» An official college transcript or computer printout of grades.

» A one-page resume listing previous jobs held and the supervisors on each.

» At least three references — including names, titles, addresses and phone numbers. References should be persons familiar with the applicant’s reporting or writing skills. Other students do not qualify as references.

» Three samples of journalistic writing.

» A list of at least three VPA member publications where the applicant would prefer to work. (Or, as an alternative, a region of Virginia where the applicant would prefer to work.)


Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible, the applicant must:

» Be a rising second-, third- or fourth-year student.

» Have served at least one semester on The Cavalier Daily staff.

» Serve at least one semester on The Cavalier Daily staff after completion of the internship.

» Maintain a 2.0 GPA.

» Have a valid driver’s license and access to a car for the internship period.

» Be able to type and/or use a word processor.

» Be willing to move to the location of the newspaper for the internship period.


Please Note:

» The internship must be the recipient’s primary summer employment.

» The CDAA and the VPA will determine the host publication.

» The CDAA Scholarship Committee may use the materials submitted for consideration of other CDAA scholarships.

» A publication can host the internship once every three years.


If an applicant, due to financial or other constraints, would be able to perform an internship only within certain geographic regions of Virginia, he or she can submit a request to the CDAA Scholarship Committee to waive this requirement. The applicant should include this request as part of his or her application. If the request is financial in nature, the applicant should include pertinent information concerning his or her financial status.

Questions? Contact Greg Trevor at