Noah Sylvester, President
Noah is a rising fourth-year Music and Foreign Affairs double major from Arlington, VA. In his spare time, he enjoys playing bass and piano, hanging out with friends, and playing D&D. After serving a year as Club’s Vice President, he is ready to lead Club into its 154th season.
Kidus Fasil, Vice President
Kidus is a graduate student in Computer Engineering from Springfield, Virginia. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games and swimming. After a successful season as secretary, Kidus is looking forward to working with alumni relations, planning social events, and continuing his journey on exec.
Elijah Kim, Business Manager
Elijah is a rising fourth-year, Psychology Major. “I wanted to be on the Exec Board because Club has become a home to me. I want to give back to this amazing organization and I hope to help make Club a warm and inviting environment for all.”
Benjamin Tang, Publicity Manager
Benjamin Tang is a rising second-year studying Sociology from Thousand Oaks, California. Outside of Glee, Ben is a member of Army ROTC and is hoping to commission as a second lieutenant in the future.
Juneray Xia, Secretary
Juneray Xia is a rising second-year student studying Nursing. He is excited to be working with other members of the Glee Club as Secretary.