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Author: Emma Baumgardner

150th Reunion Hotel Information

We’re so excited for you to come join us for the Virginia Glee Club’s 150th Reunion! Below are several hotel booking options for you to choose from when planning your stay. All hotel blocks have 10 rooms reserved. For those without booking links, feel free to call the hotel and ask for the “Virginia Glee […]

Upcoming Events

September 2021 Announcements

Virginia Glee Club Alumni and Friends, This August, the Virginia Glee Club met in Old Cabell Hall for the first time since restrictions began 18 months ago. We began our first rehearsals by brushing up on Ten Thousand Voices and The Good Old Song for the Rotunda Sing as well as the 13th century piece […]


We Need Your Voice in Our Virtual Choir

Greetings Alumni of the Virginia Glee Club! We hope you’re doing okay and staying safe during these incredibly surreal times. It’s hard to believe that it was two months ago that we returned from our Spring Break tour of the Midwest. It was during the trip that we learned from the University that all classes […]


Tour of the Carolina’s

Saturday, March 3, 2018 Intercollegiate Men’s Choruses National Seminar National City Christian Church 5 Thomas Circle NW Washington, DC 20005 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 4, 2018 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 7426 Idylwood Rd. Falls Church, VA 22043 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 5, 2018 Binkley Baptist Church 1712 Willow Dr.  Chapel Hill, NC 27514  7:00 p.m. […]

Upcoming Events

New CD!  Songs of the Shenandoah

New CD!  Songs of the Shenandoah The Glee Club’s newest CD, Songs of the Shenandoah, is a live recording featuring a varied program from concerts in Charlottesville and on tour during the 2016-17 season.  Get your copy at or call 434-207-8421. Hanacpachap Ed. Escalada Praise Ye the Name of the Lord Tcherepnin Song of […]


New Contact Information

These email addresses will remain with each office as new executive officers are elected each year. Want the VGC President? Use and you’ll always get the current Club leader. Will Wheaton, President | Matthew Korbon, Vice President | Rice Tyler, Business Manager | Connor Reilly, Publicity Manager | Caleb Selph, Secretary […]


Annual Dinner

Pictures from the Annual Dinner held on September 9, 2017   On September 9th, we held our Annual Rotunda Dinner featuring keynote speaker Jacob Friedmann ’12. Guests were treated to an excellent evening of speeches and songs. Though it was much earlier in the season than normal, we are happy to report that we still […]

Upcoming Events

The Celebration of the Establishment of a $1,000,000 Endowment

The Campaign for the Glee Club Endowment was begun in June 2006 with the goal of raising one million dollars in total endowed funds. We gratefully acknowledge the gifts and pledges made through November 30, 2012. Thank you for contributing to the long term financial health of the Virginia Glee Club.
