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House Projects ’17

For those brothers fortunate enough to make it to Charlottesville this winter, you’ll notice the house looks a little fresher than usual after the exterior trim was painted and the hardwoods on the main floor were refinished this fall. The new kitchen, completed in 2016, is in great shape, and the brothers are enjoying their current chef after winning a tight recruiting battle for him vs. Delta Gamma.

The Montalto board is working on a long-term capital improvement plan that will facilitate our efforts to ensure safety and fiscal stability of the house. We were fortunate to avoid a major catastrophe when the boiler caught fire last winter and are identifying projects that are critical to risk mitigation. This includes installing sprinklers and updating the electrical systems. In addition, the brick and concrete also need to be repainted and repaired in many areas to avoid freeze/thaw damage. The bathroom is showing signs of wear and we would also love to improve the bathroom situation for brothers and guests.