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1974-1985 Reunion

Image of Rodney Follin on his property in the winter

We hope you can join us for a reunion party on the weekend of August 23-25 in the DC Area! The feature event is a party Saturday afternoon/evening at Rodney Follin’s home in Fairfax Station, VA. There are additional events throughout the weekend that you can attend if your schedule permits. Please complete this form to let us know if you’re planning to attend by July 31. Please review the itinerary of events listed on the form and indicate which events you plan to attend. This won’t commit you to attend, but it will help us with planning.

If you are a Facebook user, we suggest you join the Psi of Phi Sigma Kappa 1975 – 1985 Facebook page to receive updates and coordinate travel and hotel plans. The closest hotel to Saturday’s party is a Holiday Inn Express in Lorton. There are additional hotels in Springfield and Fairfax City, which are each about 20 minutes from the Saturday party.

Please pass this message along to other brothers with whom you are in contact and encourage them to join the Psi of Phi Sigma Kappa 1975 – 1985 Facebook page for reunion updates. Please email or call (703) 655-4456 if you have questions.

We hope to see you in August!

Bo Brill ’79
Greg Deaver ’78
Rodney Follin ’77
Jim Gillespie ’79
John Gresh ’80