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Day: December 4, 2024

Phi House Capital Improvements

This past June, The Board of Trustees approved a proposal to embark on a significant renovation of the house. With only two months before the start of fall semester, project managers John Zimmermann (Col ’81) and Dave Edwards (Col ’90) prioritized projects from a long list of items needing to be addressed. We first tackled […]


President’s Update

Midterms recently marked the halfway point of the semester, and I am glad to use this opportunity to provide an update: Social Chairs Ian Donnellan (Col ’26) and Ryan Seidensticker (Col ’26) have orchestrated a hugely successful social calendar, starting with the “Block Party”. Block Party is an enormous open party that takes place the […]


Cudlip Awards

On April 26, 2024, Board of Trustees President, Scott Oswald (Col ‘90) and his wife Susan hosted the 34th Anniversary Cudlip Award Dinner at Farmington Country Club. Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and dinner were served in the Jefferson Room to invited alumni and their wives, as well as house officers and their dates. It was a […]


We Want to Hear From You!

We want to hear from you! Let us know what you are up to (a new job, relocation, a recent Phi get together, etc.). We would love to share your update, and recent (or old) photos in the next Phiner Times. Do you know a first- or second-year Wahoo or UVA legacy who you would […]


Alumni Reunions

Tom Thompson (Col ’69), recently organized a reunion of his classmates from the class of 1969. Chapter Advisor Dave Edwards (Col ’90) was on hand to welcome them back to One University Circle. Tom commented that he and his brothers thought the house looked great – but that not that much had changed – it […]


Remembering Douglas D. Batchelor, Jr. (Col ‘66)

Evans, GA – Douglas deVane Batchelor, Jr. passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family on Sunday, April 7, 2024. Mr. Batchelor was born on January 4, 1945, in Boston, MA to the late Douglas deVane Batchelor, Sr. and Lucy Bush Batchelor. He was a loving and devoted husband for 52 years to the […]


Support Virginia Beta and Phi Society

It has been a year since over 300 Phis gathered in Charlottesville to celebrate the 150th anniversary of our founding at UVA. To date, the Phi 150th Anniversary Fund has received pledges in excess of $355,000 with over 85% of those pledges already received. Five Brothers have made $25,000 pledges and an additional 16 have […]
