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Interview with Ray Massey (’19)

Ray Massey headshotRay Massey (‘19) was critical in organizing a speaker series this Spring, alongside Matt Renk, Balram Prasad, and Nick Koziolek. They all have careers in finance and gave great advice to the younger brothers who hope to pursue similar fields.

Below is an interview with Ray Massey.

What are some of your favorite memories from your time at Sigma Nu at UVA?

Looking back, my favorite memories were the small things.

We’d pile 6 guys into a tiny 4-seater to drive and get burritos for lunch at Chipotle. We pranked each other often — we’d “move each other out”, one day you’d walk downstairs to the house laundry room and all your stuff would be there. Or you’d come back from class and everything in your room would be gift-wrapped. Everything. Bed. Television. Pillow. You name it.

Another thing that’s really stuck in my memory was the ear-to-ear smiles on the new guys’ faces as we’d toss them into the air on bid day.

Were there specific events during your time in the fraternity that have shaped your life?

Day-to-day we influenced each other into moving in the right direction. I was Lieutenant Commander and was involved in executive planning, meeting with candidates during rush, etc. I learned skills in leadership and communication through first-hand experience. I’m grateful for the positivity, resilience, and work ethic of the chapter. They inspired me to do my best.

Can you share how your career journey unfolded after graduating from UVA?

I worked in management consulting at PwC until I joined the Corporate Development and Strategy team at a publicly traded IT firm, Rackspace. Since then, I’ve worked at Robinhood and other startups.

How did your time at Sigma Nu influence your career choices?

We were motivated to get into competitive careers upon graduation. The drive for success was common within our chapter. It helped me to learn early on about finance career basics — the differences between consulting and banking, etc. This influenced me to pursue a generalist path, because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. Once I was working for a variety of clients at PwC, it became clear which sectors I liked and didn’t like.

What are the most valuable lessons you learned during your time in Sigma Nu?

You’re never ready until you try. Every time I “stepped up”, I felt like I wasn’t quite ready. While taking a risk can be scary, that discomfort is a sign of growth. Try to take every opportunity you can.

What advice would you give to current brothers?

Inclusiveness builds community on Grounds. Try to connect people and develop networks across siloes (friend groups, clubs, organizations, greek life, etc). Later on, you’ll have a great network.

What is your vision for the future / to fellow alumni?

Our ability to connect now is stronger than ever. On platforms like LinkedIn we can grow together. I encourage you to network with alumni, organize events in your area and connect with the next generation. Sharing advice or an email intro goes a long way for undergrads seeking new opportunities.