Goals of Fundraising/ Problems with the house:
- Pay off the Mortgage
- Pay off our Debt
- Fix the Foundation
- Renovate the Whole House
- Renovate the Rooms to Incentivize Brothers to Live in the House
- Rebuild the Front Path
- Attract Rushees
Options to Fundraise:
One-Time Donations (can be with a group of people):
- Paying off the Mortgage: $150,000
- Incentive: Plaque on the Mantle above the fireplace (if one of you is generous enough to pay this off by yourself, we will hang a portrait of you on the mantle above the fireplace as well).
- Why this is Important: Every brother has to pay part of the mortgage; help us pay back our mortgage so we can completely own our house. Help decrease dues in the process!
- Redo the Portico: $75,000
- Incentive: Putting a plaque on the Portico (if someone pays this off by himself, the portico will be named after him as well).
- Why this is Important: The Portico on the side of the house is falling and causing a crack in the foundation. This is slowly deteriorating the basement and causing it to flood. If this isn’t fixed, then the house will ruin.
- Renovating a Room: $25,000
- Incentive: Placing a plaque with your name on it above the door of the room (on the door frame) also the donor can sleep in the room the night after the renovation is finished if he wants.
- Why this is Important: While our bylaws require third-year brothers to live in the House, we are having trouble competing with other off Grounds housing options. The University has changed policy so we no longer have parking on Lambeth Lane available and are charging $600 per month with utilities to share a room with one other person. For $850-$900 per month (including utilities) brothers can live in a single in a brand new apartment complex with parking, gym, pool, etc. We want to redo the living space in the House so that almost every room is a very nice double, to incentivize brothers to live in the House and allow us to put a small annual increase on rent regardless of there being on site parking or not.
- Presidential Donors Club: Donate in the $5,000-$25,000 range
- Incentive: Placing a plaque with your name on it in the President’s Hallway.
- The Ruby Club: Donate in the $1,000-$4,999 range
- Incentive: Placing a plaque with your name on it in the Charge Room
- The Black, Blue, and White Club: Donate any amount above $200
- Incentive: We will rebuild the front path, and your donation will be used to buy either a stone or brick with your name engraved on it
Monthly/Yearly Commitment Donation Programs:
- The 1811 Club
- Donate $181.10 a month or $1,811.00 a year. (1811 is the House’s street address number on Lambeth Lane).
- The 1857 Club
- Donate $18.57 a month or $185.70 a year. (1857 is when the Nu Charge was founded).
Use the link below to sign up for a one-time or monthly donation. Select the Theta Delta Chi Nu Charge Alumni Annual Fund.
Any donation would go a long way, even if we didn’t mention the specific amount. Please do not limit yourself only to the ideas mentioned above. If you have any feedback, advice, or ideas please reach out to Robbie Hodgson at rsh5xe@virginia.edu or Joe Jamison at jj3xf@virginia.edu.