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New Leadership

I am delighted to report that the Nu Charge House Corporation is under new leadership with the recent installation of Ben Webne ’02 as President and Trip Colden ’05 as Treasurer each by a unanimous vote of the House Corporation Board.  They are surrounded by men ranging from early 1960’s alumni up to the last 10 years and collectively they/we continue to need your support to carry on the legacy of our fraternity which has endured at Virginia since 1857.  Thank you to Charlie Armstrong ’00, Dave Chamowitz ’00, and outside counsel Trip Colden ’05, Tom Evans, ’04, Ryan Fay ’06, Ron Goode ’63, Rick Gregory ’80, Brad Kerchoff ’77, Mark Kloeppel ’99, Jeff Moffett ’04, Mark Moran ’84, Mike Perfater ’70, Peter Ryan ’84, Edmund Simpson ’64, and Jeremy Small ’80.  A special thank you also to BH Hubbard who entered Omega in the last couple of years and to several other men who worked hard as Directors in the past including Wayne Grove, Bob Bousman, Dave Mathers, Walt Levering (Omega) and Howard Cosgrove.