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Support Nu Charge

I would like to ask one more time for your financial support. I am not asking for anything I have not done myself. Over the years I estimate Ann and I have given $35,000 to $40,000 across a myriad of projects. We were fortunate to be able to do so.

We recently had a thorough inspection of the house by Brothers Kerchoff and Goode and will share those findings on our website and in mailings. The need is going to be in the vicinity of $300,000, which means we are about to initiate a fundraiser seeking permanent capital over and above the need.

I urge you to at least make a nominal contribution. Many of our younger brothers have signed up for a monthly credit card contribution of $18.11. Some of you can afford $100 a year, $1,000 a year and some undoubtedly can afford thousands of dollars. It would be great if we could find a few men who would support a matching challenge and commit $50,000 or $100,000 to spur on our population of 700-800 alumni. The primary need is for capital improvements and a buffer to assist in turbulent times. We have recently come through some very turbulent times and have a super group of leaders and young men working diligently to improve the Nu Charge. We will strive to provide a priority list for you to consider a specific under-writing. I urge you to reach to your classmates and close friends and consider class gifts or group gifts. We have no formal capability at this point to raise funds other than appeals such as this, so please reflect on the value you’ve had from the friendships you’ve formed and kept. Please share this letter with any brothers you stay in touch with and request they play it forward too!
