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Swan Song

It has truly been one of the great pleasures of my life to serve our fraternity and to have had the unique position of knowing and working with men from generations extending from the 1950’s to present time, including of course the undergraduate presidents, treasurers and exec committees who have kept us on our toes!  The words are not often written but I will say with all my heart and soul that I truly do believe in the divinity of friendship.  My fraternity brothers taught me how to become a responsible man and contributor—-a real long haul given what a hellion, out of control teenager I was.  There is no denying the occasional miscues of our youth—-and unfortunately for our wives and significant others we just cannot stop going back to those halcyon days now, can we?!

Briefly I’d like to share what I am proudest of with respect to working as a Director, Treasurer and President of the Nu Charge House Corporation since 1984, the oversight board and property manager for 1811 Lambeth Lane, in concert with the Nu Charge Educational Foundation, the primary owner.

  • Learning that there was such a thing as a House Corporation while assisting in replacing the furnace and stove at 1811 as an undergraduate kitchen manager. Onto the scene came Hoyt, Simpson, Bousman, Perfater, Cosgrove, Mathers and more.  What an impact these men have had for our fraternity over 60 years!
  • Playing an assist role in the 1985-86 house renovation and the fund raising it took to make it happen. The GRASP partnership (Get Rich as [Stuff] Partnership—thank you Mr. Bousman) was a minority contributor.  We younger men learned of the importance of sustained support.
  • Engaging with the University Dean of Students office and the Assoc Dean of Fraternities and Sororities to establish a working, respectful relationship. Unbelievably ironic to find myself at that table.  My experience however, meant that nothing surprised with the issues we dealt with— from neighbors, to the Dean, to police and firemen, to lawyers and parents.  We established an exceptional working relationship that served us well.
  • Taking a leadership role with President Sullivan’s Summit on Hazing where alumni, faculty and advisors helped undergraduate fraternity leaders establish a policy of no hazing at UVA.
  • Marshalling alumni resources to assist in numerous legal issues from claims of adverse possession of part of our property to serious allegations of criminal activity, and often not so serious exhibitions of poor judgment and behavior. Working with the men who were our undergraduate officers over the last 20 years has been a pleasure and many remain in touch—a real honor.  No more random inspections coming from Brother McNerney—I promise!
  • Raising capital and completing the 2006 renovation including restoring the Gold and Blue Room configuration on the main level.
  • Participating as a member of the Fraternity Alumni Association.
  • Dozens and dozens of interactions and meetings with the undergraduate brotherhood.
  • Hosting our 150th anniversary at UVA in 2007 with my dear friend, Brother Wayne Grove ’81
  • Recruiting and building a new generation of directors and leaders on the House Corporation.
  • Having my oldest son David ’11 initiated as a Theta Delta Chi Brother. And of course, Ann, the love of my life and an unofficial Rush Chair during our undergraduate years putting up with all of us, and all of you!

On the weekend of September 6-8 (William & Mary game Friday evening) The House Corporation and the undergraduate brotherhood will be hosting an alumni event.

There are plans for some nice words to be said about Wayne and me and our service along with Mike Perfater, Pete Hoyt and recently departed BH Hubbard.  I hope many of you will consider participating in the events of the weekend including the Saturday afternoon session with alumni and current brothers.