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Alumni Weekend is Just Days Away!

Hello Theta Delta Chi Nu Alums,

I hope you have had a great start to this week. We are only a few days away from our Alumni Weekend! Thanks to all of you who have signed up, and we are so excited to see you in a few days. In today’s newsletter, I will be laying out our exact schedule for Alumni Weekend. Make sure to read through this newsletter thoroughly as it includes the exact times and details concerning each event throughout the weekend.

On Friday, September 24, our Alumni weekend will begin at 5:00 PM with a tailgate before the UVA vs. Wake Forest football game. This will be held in the North B Lot, which is located between Observatory Hill and Old Dorms. We will have all the necessities for a great tailgate including lawn games, drinks, and fried chicken, while prematurely celebrating our victory over the Demon Deacons. At 6:45 PM, we will begin heading over to the stadium as a group before the game starts at 7:00 PM. Go Hoos!

On Saturday, September 25, we have a brunch at the house scheduled from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM. After that, we have an alumni weekend favorite—our Networking event. This event will last from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, and it will require a business casual dress code for both undergraduates and alumni. At 12:30 PM, we will leave the house to walk over to our venue on Grounds. This year’s theme for this event will be career learning. As many of us undergraduates have missed out on valuable internship experiences, we lack understanding about our potential career paths ahead of us. Therefore, we will start off the networking event with a career fair. You will be stationed at tables based on your former major, and we will allow brothers to travel between tables that fit their majors and interests. This will allow for networking conversation and for our undergraduates to better understand what career options they have ahead.

Next, the event will shift towards a focus on resume building. With the same table setup, students will go to their table of choice to show alumni their current resumes and ask for interview advice. Then, we will have an open discussion concerning house-related matters. This will give you an update on the current status of the house, and we will open up the floor to ask for advice on how to improve our fraternity moving forward. Finally, we will end the networking event with our guest speaker, Michael Beaudet ’17, who will discuss his experience reading resumes and how he utilizes networking in his daily life.

After the close of our networking event, we will have an hour of downtime for Alumni and undergraduates to change, shower, and arrive back at the house around 5:00 PM for our House Celebration! This event celebrates our long-awaited reunion, and the event will last throughout the night. We will have a band, kegs, a raffle, pizza, and options to purchase nameplates above your former rooms in the house. This event is meant to remind all alumni of their former time living in the house, and I am so excited to celebrate our reunion. Welcome Home!

Lastly, on Sunday, September 26, we will have our Final Goodbye event at the house to end the weekend. You can come by anytime from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM to hang out and share some farewells with our brothers. Since I know many people will be traveling back home on Sunday, this will be an optional event. All undergraduate brothers will be at the house during this time. Some snacks and beverages will also be available at the house for you to take on your trip home. Just know that our house is always open to all TDX alumni.

I hope you enjoyed reading our schedule for alumni weekend. If you are still interested in coming to Alumni Weekend and have not signed up yet, please do so using the form below. I hope to see you all soon.

Your Alumni Chair,
Jake Winters, ’23