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Alumni Weekend 2018 Recap

Thank you so much to everyone who came to or donated money towards the First Annual Theta Delta Chi Nu Charge Alumni Weekend. We appreciate how much everyone was willing to help. It was a great time for all of the active brothers, and everyone who came was very engaged. We can’t wait until next year, we plan to give notice of the event six months in advance so we can promote maximum attendance. Altogether we had 34 alumni partake in the weekend, let’s double or triple this number for next year’s weekend!

Please add your information to our Professional Database (regardless if your company is hiring or not). We just had a great weekend of networking and want to provide the opportunity for brothers to talk to other brothers that may be able to give them advice or connections.

We also want to acknowledge those alumni who volunteered to help with the Networking Event. Below is the breakdown of the volunteers and what they did to help.

Keynote Speaker:

  • Mark Moran

Career Transitions Panel:

  • Harry Franks
  • John T. Lucas
  • Pete Ryan

Workshop Leaders:

  • Harry Franks (Interview Workshop)
  • Trip Colden (LinkedIn Workshop)
  • Asasi Francois-Ashbrook (Resume Workshop)
  • Ryan Fay (Resume Workshop)
  • Ivailo Neov (Interview Workshop)

Starting a Business Panel:

  • Mark Moran
  • Bryant Nichols
  • David Brown
  • Roy Norton

Thank you to Pete Lyons, for hosting brunch at his house in Charlottesville on Sunday. It was a beautiful day and a great way to close the weekend.

Just an update on the Pitt game: despite the rain and the loss it was a great way to start the weekend. All of the brothers in attendance were tailgating hard in the rain and it was amazing. Please enjoy these pictures of us getting poured on.






Fortunately, the rain stopped when the game started.