Farzaneh Milani is a professor of Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages and Cultures and Women, Gender & Sexuality.
Throughout her career, Milani has published numerous works in both Persian and English. Additionally, Milani is a Raymond J. Nelson III Professor of Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages and Cultures and Women Studies.
Join us February 7, 2022 at 12:00 noon as Farzaneh Milani discusses “Threshold Literature and Iranian Women Writers”. A description of the event is included below.
The 1979 Islamic Revolution, like all revolutions, had several unintended and unexpected consequences. While one of the most relentless, almost obsessive plans of the Islamic Republic was (and continues to be) the re-introduction of sex-segregation into nearly every aspect of life, Iran, in the last four decades, has experienced a mass exodus of women from segregated spaces to the public arena and from inside to outside the country. This considerable population shift has led to an outpouring of creative energy and the unprecedented presence of women on the literary scene. The refusal to remain behind closed doors—excluded, unacknowledged, unseen, and unheard—has given rise to an Iranian women’s literary renaissance. Standing at the intersection of inside and outside, local and global, us and them, objective and subjective, Iranian women writers and poets have not only interrogated segregation, but also challenged binary modes of thought, which are based on injustice, power imbalance, and domination. They have reorganized the political and literary landscapes of Iran and achieved the level of national and international recognition they richly deserve. “At The Threshold: Women Writers in Contemporary Iran” discusses this literary resurgence and its genealogy.