Alumni Interest Group Leaders,
Welcome to the new fiscal year! We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all the wonderful efforts you and your organizations have made this past year to stay connected. We are looking forward to working with each of you again as we head into a “new normal”.
With so many exciting things on the horizon, there are a few housekeeping items we wanted to address. Each of you should have received a request to complete a contract, submit a planning form for this fiscal year, and complete an NDA via DocuSign if we do not already have one on file. If you have not yet sent these documents to us, please do so at your earliest convenience.
Upcoming Fall Events:
On an exciting note, UVA will be hosting Homecomings and Family Weekend this fall! These dates are listed below:
Homecomings Weekend: October 15-17, 2021
Family Weekend: October 22-24, 2021
We are looking forward to welcoming you and your families back to Grounds this fall.
Additionally, Scott Stadium will be returning to 100% seating capacity this football season. If your group is interested in securing a ticket window, please notify us no later than July 30. We will need information regarding the number of tickets requested and the games the tickets are for.
The UVA home football schedule for fall 2021 is:
9/4 @ 7:30pm – William & Mary
9/11 @ 11:00am – Illinois
9/24 @ 7:00pm – Wake Forest (Friday night game)
10/16 @ TBA – Duke (Homecomings)
10/23 @ TBD – Georgia Tech (Family Weekend)
11/13 @ TBD – Notre Dame*
11/27 @ TBD – Virginia Tech (Commonwealth Day)*
Ticket windows are subject to UVA and Virginia state health and safety guidelines. Should they be canceled, our team would let you know as soon as possible.
*Ticket windows are not available for the Notre Dame and Virginia Tech games.
Lastly, if your group anticipates holding an event on central Grounds, we ask that at least one member of your group completes the Event Manager training to help ensure a safe and fun event.
End of Year Communication Deadlines:
Though it is only July, the end of year will be here before we know it! To help you and your groups plan your communications for the coming months, the end of year communications deadlines are listed below. All content is due to Emma Baumgardner. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
Monday, November 8: All content due for printed materials
Friday, December 3: All content due to for electronic materials
The end of the calendar year is a busy time for all of us. These deadlines ensure that there is enough time to create and distribute information to all your constituents by the end of December.
Content Suggestions:
• Newsletters typically include summer reunion recaps, upcoming spring events, recap on fall events and a solicitation for end of the year gifts
• Annual Giving letters usually include a letter about the status of the group/organization and list of calendar year donors and a solicitation form (or a link to an online giving form if sent via e-mail).
Interested in Engaging with Other Alumni?
Sign up for Wahoo Connect if you have not already done so! Wahoo Connect offers networking, and job opportunities as well as the access to many of the great resources available through the Alumni Association. Please contact us if you’re interested in creating a group page on Wahoo Connect for your AIG.
Here’s to another great year!
Your AIG Team – Travis, Emma, and Erin