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Board Elections

Seeking New Board Members

There have been tremendous changes at The Cavalier Daily in recent years, from its hiring of a professional ads manager to its transformation into a digital-first media organization. Now, the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association is preparing to recreate itself with upcoming elections for several open leadership positions. The available leadership opportunities include:

At-large Board members — The CDAA Board of Directors is in need of at least one and as many as seven at-large Board members who will serve 3-year terms. If there are more than seven interested candidates for board membership, the CDAA’s full membership will elect individuals to serve on the board.

President — The president’s responsibilities include managing the use of CDAA funds; chairing board meetings and meetings of its executive committee; serving as an ex-officio member of all CDAA standing committees; and acting as the CDAA spokesperson. The CDAA board elects the president from within its own membership; therefore, any interested candidates outside of the board will first need to put forth their names for consideration as board members.

Fundraising Chair — The fundraising chair leads the CDAA Fundraising Committee, drafts fundraising communications such as the annual donor solicitation letter and thank you letter, and develops strategic priorities for CDAA fundraising. Any member of the CDAA may serve as the chair of the Fundraising Committee, regardless of whether he or she is on the Board of Directors.

Events Chair —  The events chair leads the CDAA Events Committee, which may consider proposals for organizing events and projects for the benefit of the members of the association. Any member of the CDAA may serve as the chair of the Events Committee, regardless of whether he or she is on the Board of Directors.

Interested candidates for any of these positions should email Ben Sellers and Matt Cameron no later than October 13 with a description of their relevant experience and connection to The Cavalier Daily. Once nominations are complete, the CDAA Board will arrange a meeting and elect individuals for these roles before the end of October.

We’re excited about the fresh ideas and energy that will come with new CDAA leadership. If you want to help carry on a 124-year legacy of outstanding, independent journalism at the University of Virginia, please get in touch!