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CDAA Elects Board Members, Discusses Scholarships

The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association elected five new members to its board of directors, including Mike Reingold, a former editor-in-chief who was named CDAA vice president.

Reingold joins Michael Bass, Chuck Woody, P.J. Boatwright and Dani Bernstein as the newest members of the board. Boatwright, Bernstein and Woody were elected as at-large members, while Bass will be the organization’s communications chairman.

Matt Cameron was re-elected president. Other officers who were re-elected included Greg Trevor as scholarships chairman, Tim Wheeler as programming chairman, and Jason Ally and Steve Wells as events co-chairmen. There are still two vacancies on the board: For the time being, the fundraising chairman and the networking chairman spot are unfilled.

The elections were the highlight of the CDAA’s most recent meeting on March 22. The board also discussed the future of its scholarship programs and its subsidy that helps fund the Cavalier Daily business manager position.

The business manager is a non-student, full-time employee who is responsible for driving the business side of The Cavalier Daily – not just handling financial matters, but also devising and executing a business strategy. It’s a position that is considered vital to keeping the paper viable. The CDAA has helped pay for that position since it was created, and the board agreed to continue with its subsidy for another fiscal year, starting in July and stretching to June 2019. At the end of that period, board members agreed to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the position and decide whether to continue the subsidy.

The board also is re-evaluating the process for awarding two CDAA scholarships: the Jeff Carlton Memorial Scholarship, which is aimed at sports writing, and a scholarship offered in partnership with the Virginia Press Association. (After the meeting, the board was able to secure funding this year for a third scholarship, the John Herring Scholarship.)

The scholarship program has languished somewhat in recent years as management has bounced from the Cavalier Daily managing board to the U.Va. Alumni Association and then back to the managing board. Trevor, who was instrumental in setting up the scholarship program 23 years ago, will lead the effort to revitalize the program, while maintaining the integrity of the scholarships.