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Tag: charlottesville

Introducing Caity Seed, current Cavalier Daily summer Staff Editor

Rising third year Caity Seed has been with The Cavalier Daily since her first semester on Grounds. With no background in formal news writing, Seed followed her suitemate, an aspiring Opinion writer, to a CD meeting as a “spur-of-the-moment thing.” From that first meeting, she was hooked. “I loved the editors and the people leading […]

Student Contributions

Introducing Dr. Kenneth Adatto, Cavalier Daily Alum

Dr. Kenneth Adatto matriculated at the University of Virginia for only three years. Accepted to the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans in 1965, Adatto left U.Va. after his third year to pursue his medical degree. He currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he serves as an orthopedic surgeon in a […]

Alumni Contributions

Update on Summer Staffing of The Cavalier Daily

This summer, thanks to generous support from the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association, The Cavalier Daily will host a summer staff in Charlottesville, consisting of a summer editor, two summer reporters, and a production staffer. This summer’s team will start mid-June and will publish daily online content and produce two print issues. The first of those […]

Alumni Contributions, Student Contributions

Introducing Tim Dodson, current Cavalier Daily News Editor

Tim Dodson, a rising second-year in the College, has distinguished himself early in his University career as an active member of The Cavalier Daily. Having only worked for the paper since 2015, Tim already serves as News Editor. Below, he discusses his passion for his Cavalier Daily work, including his role models and friends on […]

Student Contributions