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Tag: editor-in-chief

Introducing Mike Reingold, new Cavalier Daily Editor-in-Chief

Newly elected Cavalier Daily Editor-in-Chief Mike Reingold is no stranger to the long hours and hard work that student journalism entails. Reingold’s journalistic career began years ago at The Purple Tide, the student paper of Chantilly High School. There, he served as Assistant Academics Editor, editing articles for the Tide’s Academic section and occasionally lending […]

Student Contributions

Weekly CD Update: Fall Semester Begins

The Cavalier Daily newsroom has been buzzing with activity as fall production gets into full swing. Last week, the paper launched a new version of its mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on both iPhone and Android. Associated Press Standards Editor Thomas Kent Skyped in to speak with editors as staffers begin to […]

Student Contributions, Weekly CD Update

Editor-in-Chief Wins AP Award

The Associated Press has recognized Julia Horowitz, summer 2015 intern in the Sacramento bureau and editor-in-chief of The Cavalier Daily, with its Best of the States Award for her reporting. Horowitz wrote a story about the lack of oversight of a California green jobs program. Her story has prompted numerous newspaper editorials, including those in The […]


Update on Cav Daily Pledge Drive

When we first wrote last week, we faced a critical deadline to prove that The Cavalier Daily could retire its past-due rent. The swift and significant response from alumni and the wider University community has allowed us to meet that deadline. In less than 48 hours, we had in hand pledges to dissolve the Cav […]

Request for Help