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New Cavalier Daily Editor in Chief shares her vision for the paper

Dear alumni and friends,

I hope this message finds you all safe and healthy. For those of you I haven’t met yet, my name is Eva Surovell, and I am so excited to serve the University and Charlottesville community as editor-in-chief of The Cavalier Daily this year.

A little about me: I’m a third-year College student from Alexandria, Virginia, majoring in English and French. I have previously served as managing editor and news editor, though I’ve worked as a sports and copy staffer as well. Outside of The Cavalier Daily, you can usually find me running or trying to learn how to cook, and I’m also involved in the Miller Center and my sorority.

If you haven’t already, please read this to see all of the amazing individuals who I’ll be working alongside with this term — I know they’re going to do a fantastic job.

At the forefront of our minds this term are our efforts toward fostering a diverse and inclusive newsroom, beginning with a roundtable discussion with student groups and organizers this January and a cross-campus conference with other student newspapers in February. We are also looking forward to streamlining our daily production processes, developing a stronger social media presence, and creating more of a community staff-wide as life (hopefully) returns to normal.

As our leadership prepares for the upcoming year, there are a number of ways you can help, beginning with making a donation to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association to support the paper’s immediate needs or by contributing to efforts to secure a $100,000 endowment. When filling out the donation form, please select the designation appropriate for your contribution.

A number of staffers have also expressed interest in connecting with you all through a mentorship program — please fill out this form so you can participate!

I look forward to engaging more with all of you as the spring semester and 133rd term starts. Please feel free to reach out to me at

Take care,