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A successful spring semester for the CD

Dear alumni and friends,

I hope this email finds you safe and healthy. With the academic year complete, we write to you all today with an update on The Cavalier Daily’s and The Cavalier Daily Alumni Association’s progress this term.

Firstly, we are so excited to announce that the paper has won five awards from the Virginia Press Association for investigative journalism, general news writing, front covers, editorial writing, and video. Please join us in congratulating these fantastic journalists! The staff has done a lot this semester to be proud of — from updating the CD’s social media presence to covering the chaos of student body elections, their professionalism and dedication to independent student journalism never ceases to amaze us.

In April, the CDAA and CD launched our new joint mentorship program. We would like to give a special thanks to the 30 alumni who volunteered to mentor a current CD staffer. We have already heard great things about our mentors from the staff, who have expressed how grateful they are for the insight and support they’ve received.

This fall, the CD is looking forward to welcoming the Class of 2024, restructuring our newsletters, and continuing to spark critical conversation on Grounds. As we prepare for the semester throughout this summer, there are a number of ways you can support us, starting with making a donation to the CDAA to support the paper’s immediate needs or by contributing to efforts to secure a $100,000 endowment.

Additionally, the CDAA would love to welcome you to Grounds later this year for our annual reunion, which will be held the weekend of November 12. We’ll be hosting a tailgate prior to UVA’s football game against Pittsburgh, as well as a dinner at a local Charlottesville restaurant. If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact Steve Wells.

Keep an eye out for our summer coverage and more details about this fall as August approaches. Our emails are linked below so please keep in touch — we love hearing from you all! You can also reach the entire Managing Board by emailing

Sincerely yours,

Eva Surovell, Editor, The Cavalier Daily
Alexis Gravely, President, the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association