Alpha Notes by: Nicholas Kumleben
The Alpha Chapter has had an extremely successful Fall and Spring 2017. In the Spring, we held the most successful Rush in the history of the Alpha Chapter, admitting 28 new brothers. The brotherhood is extremely happy with these additions to the house. We are confident that each man will prove a worthy addition to the house, and many of the new brothers are already contributing in roles of responsibility in the Chapter. This will serve the Chapter well as the Spring ‘17 class transitions to form a significant part of the 2018 Exec Board. Moreover, the new class is a diverse group, hailing from twelve states across the country. This brings the chapter size up to a very healthy 58 brothers, which will be boosted upon taking a new pledge class in the Spring.
The Fall Semester has also been very positive for the Chapter. We held our first annual Chi Phi Oktoberfest philanthropy, which was a great success and raised money for the Ronald McDonald House and Camp Kesem. We will be continuing with the established tradition of our Hoodang philanthropy, however – we plan to hold Hoodang in the spring and simply move to a model of two philanthropies a year. In addition to the house improvements discussed below by the Beta, . This semester, the brotherhood also took great pleasure in watching the success of Ross Gardner (‘15) as a tight end on the University football team.
The actives would welcome any inquiries from alumni, or to hear if alumni are in Charlottesville. The doors of the house remain open to alumni visiting the University, and we are very appreciative of all that the alumni do to support the chapter. If we can be of assistance in any way, please reach out to myself or the Chapter Advisor.