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Beta Notes April 2018

Spring 2018 has been an exciting time at the House. Thanks to generous donations from alumni and the work of HRC, we have been able to make some much needed and extremely successful renovations to the House.

First of all, we were able to renovate the floors of the Housein the upstairs hallways. The floors are still in great shape as the semester comes to a close, and all the brothers are thrilled with the new addition.

We were also able to re-paint the main floor of the House this spring. The brotherhood was sad to say goodbye to the beige that we had grown so familiar with, but nonetheless, the new baby blue suits the House well.

Perhaps the brothers’ favorite addition from the spring semester is our new pool table. The table was professionally installed and has remained in good condition throughout the spring semester. The pool table sits in the dining room and gets used often throughout the day.

Lastly, we view the renovation of the sundeck that occurred last summer as having been a massive success, and we would like to thank our alumni for this restoration. The brotherhood now uses the sundeck more than ever, and it has become a great spot for brothers to relax thanks to furniture donations from local Charlottesville brothers.

As the current brothers living in the House set out to live elsewhere, 26 brothers will move in next year. Though the House will be crowded, it will also be fun, and the brotherhood is confident that the next group of brothers living in will take care of the House while making the most out of their experience.

Ryan Simard

Beta Notes, Spring 2018