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Alumni Band 2017


Football and band season is here! The CMBAA is pleased to announce its third ever Alumni Band as part of this year’s Homecomings festivities! On October 21, we invite everyone to reconnect with old friends, remember your time with the CMB, and perform once again at Scott Stadium!

The base cost for the event will be only $20, which covers food, transportation, and staging area costs. If you haven’t performed in one of the previous Alumni Band events, you will also have to purchase a jacket. Additional purchase options include tickets and instrument rentals if you cannot provide your own. You can sign up and find more information at the link below.

Registration closes on September 15th, so sign up as soon as possible! The first 50 members to sign up will be entered into a drawing for an Amazon gift card!

Even if you are unavailable to participate in Alumni Band, we still encourage you to come to any and all of its events for the weekend, including the annual Bar Night/Meet & Greet, CMBAA Meeting and Elections, and the Friday night CMB rehearsal. A full event schedule will be sent out in the coming weeks. If you have any questions about registration, cost, or other Homecomings needs, please contact Michael Reilly at