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About Dear AAPAAN

The Asian and Asian Pacific American Alumni Network (AAPAAN) of the University of Virginia provides an alumni network that builds and supports connections with the University of Virginia community.

“Dear AAPAAN” is a blog co-written by AAPAAN advice panelists. The scope of the blog, evoked by its title, is for students and alumni of the Asian American UVA community to write questions to the AAPAAN board, and for the board to provide answers, feedback, and advice to the community.

This blog aims to provide a new digital channel of casual and interactive communication to the AAPAAN community and support our goal to sustain and grow the AAPAAN mentor/mentee relationships.

Feel free to leave us an open or anonymous comment on our latest posts and connect with us on social media. We will do our best to get back to you promptly with feedback on relevant topics.

If you have other tips, suggestions, or questions on “Dear AAPAAN”, contact us at: