As we mentioned in our last update, the brotherhood made several repairs and improvements to the house during work week this year. Since that time, we’ve removed a dead tree, fixed some plumbing issues, and assessed the general condition of the house. Our main conclusion is that we need to address some issues which are allowing water to get into the house.
Based on this assessment, we’ve identified the following projects which we’d like to undertake in the near future:
- Replace the gutters if financially feasible. If not, we need to thoroughly clean the gutters and downspouts, patch several rusted-out sections, and add catcher to the downspout openings.
- Fix the basement stairs and two leaks in the party room ceiling.
- Renovate the basement bathroom. Patch the leak in the wall and replace the ceiling. Strip and paint the walls.
- Relocate the shed to the back yard.
- Make various wood trim repairs and paint the exterior trim (especially the windows).
We’d like to go ahead and replace the gutters if we can, but we need to make sure that we won’t draw down our reserves too much if we go ahead with that. If you haven’t contributed to this year’s campaign yet, please consider donating now to help ensure that we can make this investment in the house with confidence.