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Farewell, Fourth-Years!

We are sad to say goodbye to our graduating fourth- year brothers; however, we hope they will return to visit frequently! They are a great group of guys and have exciting plans for the future. See below for their plans after graduation:

  • Image of graduating fourth-yearsNoah Adams (Col ’24), Business Development Analyst with Performance Trust Capital Partners
  • Shan Akiraj (Col ’24), Software Engineering
  • Lorenzo Allorto (Com ’24), Finance at KPMG
  • Noah Bennetch (Com ’24), International Tax at KPMG
  • David Bieger (Col ’24), Software Engineer at Capital One
  • Decker Bristow (Engr ’24), Software Engineer at Capital One
  • Otto Gerstl Di Francesco (Educ ’24), Preparing for Medical School
  • Jake Flynn (Col ’24), Masters in Commerce (McIntire)
  • Max Garvin (Col ’24), Data Analyst
  • Marcos Gonzalez (Col ’24), Clinical Research
  • Jack Meaney (Col ’24), Consulting
  • Cole Nawrocki (Col ’24), Research
  • Kieran O’Dell (Col ’24), Consulting, Deloitte
  • Ted Owen (Arch ’24), Preparing for Graduate school
  • Mark Provost (Engr ’24), M.E. in Medical Device Design
  • Josh Zimmermann (Col ’24), Music Industry