Among the most exciting events of each fall semester are SAE’s Parents Weekend tailgate, Christmas Formal, and Woodstock Day Party. Our newly elected social chairmen have gone to impressive lengths to organize these events and garner excitement for them within the UVA community.
Parents Weekend stands out as the most notable of this fall’s events. For the weekend of October 12-14, parents and relatives from across the country made the trek to Charlottesville for beautiful Virginia weather and an incredible UVA football performance against Miami. Families kicked off the weekend on the night of the 12th with individual class dinners, the energy of which naturally carried over to a night of celebration at the house. The next morning, SAE families reunited at 160 Madison Lane for a tailgate, where we were joined by Charlottesville’s own Kendall St. Company band.
The SAE Mothers’ club did a fantastic job organizing and funding the weekend; special thanks to the mothers who made the weekend the highlight of the fall semester, specifically the club’s planning committee and its president, Lisa Frydenborg.
Best regards,
Tim Tyrrell ’21