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2015 Letter from the Prior and Vice Prior

Having accepted the positions of Prior and Vice Prior of the Beta Psi chapter, we had certain expectations going forward. First, we planned to throw a fantastic Spring Rush so that we could welcome our new class and maintain our good standing with SAM Nationals and UVa’s Inter-Fraternity Council. Rush went incredibly well, and we were able to acquire 21 new members for the incoming Omicron pledge class. We hosted our chapter advisor last semester and received very positive reviews about the conditions of the chapter. We seek to continue in our reputation as Best in Region Awardee and plan to build on this good standing.

In addition to maintaining good standing with SAM nationals, we endeavor to preserve our relations with the university, administration, and alumni. A record number of brothers hold positions on the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Honor Committee, and other areas of university leadership. The Brotherhood as a whole has strengthened immensely due to increased participation in brotherhood-only events such as a weekly poker night or intramural team sports. Continuing in our philanthropic goals, brothers have volunteered at Habitat for Humanity and raised money for Relay for Life.

We go forward seeking to improve on the many advances that have been made thus far. We believe that the solid leadership of our chapter in the past has led to our success and we plan to work diligently to continue in this legacy.

Should you have any questions about the chapter, please do not hesitate to contact either of us or James Humphrey, our Alumni Chair, and please feel free to visit us at the house.


Fast and Firm,

Prior Jake Spector and Vice Prior Alex Cohen