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2016 Letter From the Alumni Recorder

Dear Alumni,

Allow me to preface this letter by graciously thanking everyone who contributed to refurbish the chapter room, porch, and first floor of the house. Specifically, I would like to thank The Beta Psi Housing Corporation for their extensive work and generosity in improving our house. Our appreciation for their work cannot be overstated, and the results of their time and efforts have finally come to fruition. I would also like to give a special shout-out to Tom Roesch, who graciously gave us a gorgeous new pong table, which we feature prominently in the main room in the house. I will mention specific housing improvements later in this letter, but I first and foremost would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who donated and helped to update the condition of the house. I can speak for the entire brotherhood when saying that each and every donation improves all of our experiences as members of the chapter, and we truly appreciate all of the support.

As the new Alumni Recorder for the chapter, my primary goal is to continue to strengthen the relationship between the Alumni and the active Brotherhood. I believe our previous Alumni Recorder, Jimmy Humphrey, did an excellent job of doing that, and I hope to follow that trajectory. More specifically, I will include more frequent website updates and photo submissions. I believe that increased activity on the website will foster interaction between the Alumni and the active Brotherhood, which is one of my most important tasks as Alumni Recorder.

As Jimmy noted last semester, I want to expand and develop the newsletter in order to give the Alumni a better sense of our successes and endeavors as students, athletes, friends and Brothers. A strong newsletter serves as a vehicle to connect Brothers past and present, which is one of my primary goals as Alumni Recorder.

Finally, I want to encourage any and all Alumni to visit whenever possible. As active Brothers, we are always excited and willing to learn more about the history of the fraternity, and the best way to do that is by interacting with the people who made us into what we are today.

Fast & Firm,

Alumni Recorder Charlie Benjamin