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2016 Letter From the Prior and Vice Prior

This semester, we are proud to announce that we have maintained our good standing with Nationals, UVa’s Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) and the university as a whole. That is one of our primary objectives as a chapter, and we are very pleased that everything has gone smoothly in this past semester.

In response to changes and discussions that are occurring at the university and in Greek life in light of the events of last year, our Brotherhood has committed to leading campus-wide conversations in an effort to create positive change. For example, former Alumni Recorder Jimmy Humphrey has won the position for the Vice President of the student portion of the IFC. It is a phenomenal achievement that Jimmy has been elected into such a prestigious position, and he will be working directly with deans in order to generate positive change in Greek life and throughout the university. We would also like to note the active role that our Brotherhood is taking in terms of sexual assault awareness and prevention. We are committed to eradicating sexual assault in Greek life and throughout the whole university. Overall, we are very pleased to see active leadership by the Brotherhood, and we are certain that this trajectory will continue in the future.

This semester, the Brotherhood enjoyed success both socially and athletically. Our intramural flag football team performed extraordinarily well, especially in comparison to previous years. Our soccer team performed admirably as well, with both teams making playoff runs. Socially, we had multiple mixers, which went very well and will definitely help to foster good sorority relations with the chapter. We have already planned additional events for the spring semester, which will further our good relations with sororities.

As always, should you have any questions about anything within the chapter, please do not hesitate to contact either of us, or Charlie Benjamin, our Alumni Recorder, and please feel free to visit us at the house.

Fast & Firm,

Prior Jared Fogel and Vice Prior Nathan Fogal