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Author: Emma Baumgardner

Beta Earns Sigma Nu Rock Chapter for First Time in Chapter’s History

In awarding Beta Chapter its first Rock Chapter recognition, Sigma Nu National noted: “The 2023 recognition marks Beta Chapter’s first Rock Chapter Award.” The Chapter comprises 82 collegiate members with a collective 3.44 GPA. 100% of members are involved in other campus organizations, with 20% holding leadership positions in those organizations. Members contributed $6,425 to charitable […]


Update from the House Corporation

The Chapter House Corporation, the Hopkins Society of Sigma Nu, has been busy with renovation projects and needed repairs to the house over the past year. The Beta Chapter house is an historic and architecturally significant fraternity house, the largest at UVA, and the most prominently viewed from the new University Ivy Corridor Plan or  […]


Letter from the President

I hope this message finds you all in great health and high spirits. It is with great pleasure that I write to you to reflect on the past year and share some exciting updates. Since this time last year, our fraternity has achieved significant milestones. Most notably, we have completed a highly productive rush season, […]


Beta Chapter Awarded Rock Chapter Status

Dear Beta Brothers, Please enjoy this recent press release from Sigma Nu National announcing the award of Rock Chapter status to the Beta Chapter. This is a highly coveted award given to the top rated 20 Sigma Nu chapters out of the 280 total nationwide. The award is based on the chapter hitting highest marks […]


2023 Pledge Class

William Keen | West Palm Beach, FL | Saint Andrews High School | 2023 Politics/Public Policy Michael Flanagan | Atlantic Beach, FL | Douglas Anderson School of the Arts | 2023 Biology (Pre-med) Colin Meek Arlington, VA | Yorktown High School | 2023 (Pre-Commerce) Grant Blumberg | Arlington, VA | Yorktown High School | 2023 […]


Fall 2019 Newsletter

Brothers, We hope this newsletter finds you in good health during this holiday season. We have been busy in Charlottesville and we want to share the updates below! The Hopkins Society We are the non-profit corporation which owns the Beta Chapter house and manages and maintains the property. The present board consists of President: Terry […]


House Condition Updates

The house itself is as sound as most on Grounds— it was built in 1928 on a Board of Visitors grant of land from the President’s lot on Carr’s Hill. A major $450,000 restoration in 1986, converted the third-floor attic to eight additional bedrooms and a gang bath and meeting room, new HVAC and electric […]



The Chapter lost its charter in the spring of 2014 as a result of a hazing incident. After some 3 and ½ years, in the fall of 2017 Sigma Nu National along with the Office of Student Affairs and Fraternal Life at UVA spearheaded a re-chartering effort. As the oldest active Sigma Nu chapter with […]
