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June 2021 Newsletter


We hope this past year has been a safe and healthy year considering the circumstances brought on by the global pandemic. We are happy to be transitioning out of lockdowns and social limitations as brothers and the general public continue to get immunized and cases begin to drop across our community. We hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy, and hopefully are able to enjoy your summers as much as possible.

Thankfully, with social gatherings increasing in capacity, our brothers were able to have their graduation ceremonies this spring.

Class of 2021

Austin Taylor Baney
Thomas David Base, former Herald
Michael Richard Bergner
Jackson Cameron Farr
Benjamin Daniel Grimmelbein, former Kitchen Manager and Herald
Ryan Chandler Heinrichs, former Philanthropy Chairman and House Manager
Daniel Bryan Helmus
Ryan Christopher Kelly, former 3rd Counselor and Sage
Andrew John Kraemer
Jacob Lehman Rantas, former 4th Counselor
Daniel Scobey Rayder, former Social Chairman and 1st Counselor
Jeffrey Thomas Rhoads, former Intramural Chairman
Samuel Lee Schach, former Formal Chairman
Eric Tyler Stoloff, former Social Chairman
Marc William Warren, former Intramural Chairman
James Joochan Yang

Pledge Class ’21

Despite our community guidelines and limitations we still had a successful virtual/in person rush, gaining some great new brothers. The newest PC, PC ‘21, includes:

Aidan McQuarrie Fleming
Matthew Wright Gemmil
Gray William Goss
William Peter Greig
Ryan Christopher Heming
Andrew Ward Holzwarth
Eric John Kadel III
James Mobley Kimbrough V
William Elliot Mathews
Max G Wang

Exciting News from Graduated Brothers

Recently graduated brother and past sage Ryan Kelly(PC ‘18) recently got engaged this summer to his long time girlfriend. His wedding is set to be in summer 2022. Congrats, Ryan!

Ryan Kelly '18 and his fiancé

Another recently graduated brother Marc Warren(PC ‘19) is set to take a gap year and then begin studying at the Fredric G. Levin College of Law at The University of Florida.

Marc Warren PC ’19 will be attending The University of Florida's Law Program

Som Mohapatra(PC ‘20) recently launched a fintech startup, Quantbase ( Quantbase is a robo-advisor for high risk, managing $250,000 with $20 illion more in pledged investment by users on the waitlist.

Som Mohapatra (PC ’20) launched his new startup, Quantbase