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By Liesel von Gontard ‘14


Growing up in the Midwest as a St. Louis girl, I thought I knew a lot about the world when I stepped on Grounds as a first year. I knew C, B, and T were very important: that Cardinal’s baseball fans were the most loyal sports fans, that Budweiser beer was the highest quality American made product, and that toasted ravioli was the best kept secret of St. Louis’s culinary finest. When we sat on the Lawn as the newest incoming class of “The University,” I began to realize that there was a lot more to life than my Midwest bubble – I was in for quite the journey.

I jumped into the school spirit by getting involved right as classes started by joining the Virginia Polo Team. To me, this was a bit of comfort- my family, including two cousins who had previously played for UVA, had played the game for years. What I didn’t know when I walked into the barn the first day, was that the girls who brought me onto the team would become my Virginia family in so many ways. Two older girls on the team who became two of my best friends, Carly Beth Cook and Katie Becker, showed me the ropes not only at the barn but also around Grounds. I was unaware that the barn was within the “2 mile radius” – the strict guideline to stick to when rushing new first years (sneaky you two!). Before second semester even began, I had the utmost respect and feeling of thankfulness for these Theta girls who took me in from the start.

Second semester began with a tragedy that impacted my life more than any other event to date, the passing of my little brother. As this happened just before we were due to be back at school for rush, I missed the first round. My mom made the decision for me to go back to school and go through with rush (thankfully!), but little did she know, nothing would help me more to get through this hard time in my life than the family I would come to lean on in Theta. I got through rush fueled by the compassion and kindness that the Theta sisters showed me; I knew that these girls would truly be there for me through thick and thin. After making the decision to join Theta, I got the best blessing in the world- my big Hayley Gaston-Enholm and my grand big Jordan McDaniel. If you ask around Theta these days, with the addition of my little Nicolette Lerch, my grand little Blake Foster, and my (wow I’m old) great grand little Garland Mooney- we have grown into one of the closest families in Delta Chi. Although I don’t tell them as much as I should, I would not have made it these past four years without the love and support from not only my “family” but also the rest of the girls in Theta who have become my best friends.

These past four years have been filled with the most amazing memories of my life. The Thetas have really shown the rest of the girls on Grounds how to make the most of our time at the University, not only by having the most fun on nights out at date functions and frat parties but also by continuously having one of the strongest GPAs on Grounds, accomplishments spanning athletic prestige, a capella fame, world travelers, and amazing job opportunities, and by standing by each other with undying support and loyalty. As graduation weekend came and went, I found myself not as sad to be leaving college, but unbearably proud of where the girls in my pledge class are going after our four years together. As a family, I know we will stick together in the years to come and continue to succeed in the multitude of paths that we will follow. I have gone from being the St. Louis girl knowing little, to the Theta girl who learned alongside her sisters that the C, B, and T that really matter in life are the Cavaliers (the MOST loyal fans- GO HOOS!), Black and Gold (TFL), and TJ (thanks for everything Mr. Jefferson). I cannot wait to see what the future holds for these bright young women, and I know I will continue to hold them in my heart as we embark on our newest adventures!


Liesel von Gontard (left) celebrates her graduation with a friend.