I am so grateful to have been able to experience the CEO Leadership Academy. The event was held in Dallas Fort Worth, which oddly got hit by a massive snowstorm that left most of us stranded in airports for 2 days – but who better to be stranded with than your fellow sisters? The programming was incredibly impactful, but more than that- getting to connect with so many amazing women, from all the other CEOs across the country to the extraordinary CDDs and other facilitators was a truly invaluable experience.
My facilitator, Jenny, was so incredibly kind, warm and inspiring. I made so many connections with other CEOs who are going through and have gone through so many of the same challenges that Delta Chi struggles with. I can’t tell you how comforting it was to get to discuss and collaborate with other CEOs about what they’ve done that’s worked, what hasn’t worked and how they inspire their members to stay committed to Theta. I was even able to meet and speak with fraternity president, Laura Doerre. I am so excited to bring back the positivity and emphasis on common purpose that we delved into.
Annie Riddell (’16)