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Alumnae Corner, News and Updates

September 2015: Letter from the Director


The 40th Anniversary Concert Weekend was a special time for us, and it was great seeing many of you and catching up and creating new memories. The Chorus is truly a community of sisters in song! Having Libby Moore Slade with us was quite a treat, as always. The Chorus worked especially hard to prepare for the weekend, and a special shout out goes to Pooja Seth, our Alumnae Relations Chair, and her committee. We appreciate our alum, Laura Harders, who prepared an entertaining slide show. We hope you’ll make it to our next celebration in 2020!

KRM letter photoIf you would like to hear portions of the concert, you can hear Even When He is Silent , Aires de Quisqueya, and Simple Gifts, and even watch part of our rehearsal of Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo. We have a professional recording [CD] of the concert if you are interested in purchasing one.

We continue to grow as a Chorus, and I am always inspired by the students’ dedication and commitment to musical excellence. They take great pride in memorizing their music and presenting memorable concerts.

One thing that we are lacking is a TOUR. Do you remember how much fun it was to travel to new places, and experience all the adventures – both musical and personal? A tour is a wonderful bonding experience! We would love to plan at least a weekend tour soon. If you have ideas for us, or could host us, please let us know. Advance thanks to Ginger Litman-Koon (SC), Betsy Wildenthal Cohen (Pacific NW), Stefanie Wallace (Kennedy Center), and Shannon Montague (Baltimore) for their offers to help us.

We are VERY excited to sing the National Anthem at our first home football game September 12. As far as I know, it is the first time a choral organization has been asked to sing it in over 12 years. This tweet from ESPN helped put us on the map:

ESPN tweet

We hope to have a recording on our website!

VWC now has a blog! Check it out for the latest and greatest!

Come see us, hear us, visit us! We would love to see you and reconnect!

My best to you,
