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Save the Date: 40th Anniversary Weekend and Concert – April 10-12

More details forthcoming, but plan to participate in reconnecting with friends, meeting new friends, and singing beautiful music. There will be a reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres followed by rehearsal on Friday night, rehearsal, concert, catered dinner, and slideshow on Saturday, and a brunch on Sunday. We hope to see you there!


Semester in Review – Highlight: Special Tribute to Hannah Graham

The Chorus recently received special news coverage after singing this “Avila” with special accompaniment by Richard Will, Chair of the Department of Music at U.Va. The Chorus chose this song as a tribute to Hannah Graham; it was sung with full hearts and received with gratitude, touching many in the (sold-out) audience. Fall auditions were […]


Candlelight Concerts

Greetings, Alumnae and Friends! The Chorus is excited to present the beautiful Candlelight Concerts in the Chapel. This year we are giving a special afternoon concert Saturday, December 6, at 4 PM, in addition to the Friday evening concert December 5, at 8 PM. We hope you can join us! The concert will feature harp, […]


31st Annual Candlelight Concerts: December 6 & 7, 2013

Candlelight Concerts featuring a Ceremony of Carols with Harp U.Va. Chapel Friday, December 6, 2013: 7 PM Saturday, December 7, 2013: 8 PM   Come enjoy the beauty of the holiday season as the Virginia Women’s Chorus presents its 31st annual Candlelight Concert. The lovely Ceremony of Carols with harp is featured, celebrating the 100th […]
