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Construction Update (5)

First Phase Summer Work

September 1, 2016

The actives returned last week and seemed pleased with the improvements (especially the air conditioning) we made over the summer.

The remaining approved work will include:

  • restoring the party room, front entrance & library
  • restoring the downstairs bedrooms and hall areas
  • replacing windows on the ground floor that were not replaced this summer
  • adding new windows and a larger outside door to the big room in the basement
  • reconstructing, expanding, and upgrading the patio and surrounding area
  • continuing plastering, painting and refinishing repairs as needed to rest of house

Subject to board approval and the timing of funding, we believe we can wrap the originally planned 3 year project up by the end of next summer.

Barring unexpected events or problems, we estimate the completed restoration project will cost approximately $1.3 million. We estimate this summer’s work will cost approximately $700,000 when all the bills have been paid.

Thank you again for your participation and critical financial support for this much needed restoration of an emotional and architectural treasure for all of us.

The attached file shows before and after pictures for some of the major renovations and improvements we made this summer.

Please contact me anytime if I can be helpful.

Don Laing
434-296-1400 (o)
434-981-8755 (m)