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Zeta Psi Restoration Update (4)

August 9, 2016

It’s the home stretch for completion of the summer work we ambitiously scheduled in June. When the actives move into the house August 17 all the inside work on the 2nd floor will have been completed including air conditioning, new loft beds, all new walls, windows and doors, refinished floors, and a completely new bathroom and shower.

Phil has been able to schedule completion of even more work than we initially targeted for this phase, and we will be able to continue work on some projects that will not impact the actives after August 17. Michael has provided the funds to complete this year’s additional work. This will put us ahead of the initial three year schedule.

Kip was in town recently and had the opportunity to see the progress to date and scope of this summer’s work. We had another walk through last Saturday. Six ’76 Zetes were in town for Bill Cooper’s daughter’s wedding – Hal Justice, Jim Reid, Hank Flint, Tom Wylly, and Parker LeCorgne. They were joined by David Sloan and Billy Bolton.

Included with this update is a copy of a chapter from Edward Lay’s book “The Architecture of Jefferson Country” that includes a section on the architect who designed the house in 1926.

The attached picture file illustrates some of the progress we’ve made since the last update.

Work Slides
Not our speed this summer 1
2nd floor restoration of walls, windows, doors & door frames 2-6
Sanding and refinishing upstairs floors & stairway 7-10
Restoration of goat room – new walls & windows 11-16
A/C ducts from basement to 1st floor rooms 17-18
Opening up the rest of the solid wall downstairs
to improve circulation & lighting
New 2 story wall along stairs to 2nd floor 29-31
Construction of permanent new lofts 32-38
Restoration of columns – including removal of 1/4 inch old paint 39-47
The new columns 48
New circular window for the upstairs bathroom 49
Restoration of upstairs bathroom –  new walls, circular window,
tile, shower, sinks, lights and toilets
Renovation of 1st floor bathroom – new tile, sink, toilet, urinal 57-59
Restoration of basement restrooms – new tile, toilets, sink, urinal 60-64
Installation of Wi-Fi,  internet & cable equipment 65
Preparation work for installation of new walkway from parking
area and around the sides of the house
A few of the trades/contractors working on the restoration 71-74

Please contact me anytime you have questions or I can be helpful.

Don Laing
434-296-1400 (o)
434-981-8755 (m)

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